Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Rabbits -- Taking the Joy out of Figginess

So now it is confirmed. The fig damage is from rabbits chewing off the bark. The prognosis is grim upon first look, but that could be because I know so little about fig horticulture at this point. However, my tree knowledge says that when the bark is stripped off a tree, the growth is effectively killed because the nutrients cannot flow up and down the trunks. The root systems are well-established and will probably produce new sprouts, but this upcoming farm market figgy season is gone. There may be some personal use figs, but enough to promote figgy enthusiasm at a public market? MMMmmmmm, I don't think so.

This could look like a sycamore upon first glance, until you get close and
see the chew marks in the trunks and stems.