Thursday, October 17, 2013

Figs as a Market Product

Many people will buy candy at a farm
market, but the one I attend is during
the summer when chocolate bars and
chocolate dipped fruit would
not survive the heat. 
In addition to selling figs at a farm market, there are many products that can be produced from figs. The obvious ones (jellies and preserves, cakes and cookies, perhaps bread) are basically adaptations of products already sold. Fig candy is different, and may be worthth considering if it is a boiled hard candy like a Jolly Rancher, or lollypop-ish type candy.

There are also ancillary items that could be used to promote the main product, figs. Fig t-shirts, or fig pins, fig coasters, fig greeting cards? This would be building a fig culture at the farm market.

After all that promotion, getting ready for the fig harvest, I would really have to be prepared to produce FIGS!! The trees would have to produce a harvest!

Coaster with fig images.
T-shirts for the figginista!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Cats Are Not Figgy

Chicken wire can be used
 for many purposes!
Preparation for the potential fig grove began in earnest. All the neighbor cats have been warned to stay out of the area with the new dirt by placing a 'lid' of chickenwire across the row that will become the line of fig trees. Nothing says irritation more than trying to squat while balancing on the thin wires that shape the hexagons of chicken wire. Already I have seen disgruntlement among the local dumpers.  I might do that for all the vegetable beds too!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Propagating Fig Trees

This is what I should have
next summer. I think I have
pots in the shed.
A bit of information from the Alabama Cooperative Extension agent, Tony Glover, has led me to understand I will not be propagating the new fig trees until next late winter or early spring.  Therefore, if all goes well and the plants get into the ground next spring and summer, I should have figs to sell the following year. However, there will be a GROVE of fig trees!

Awesome that my fig trees could
ever look like this!
Definition:  grove - small wood, or group of yes, I'll have a grove of fig trees.
