Thursday, July 9, 2015

Summer of 2015

Remember how the rabbits took down the figs?  Pitiful. Well, we cut them down to the ground and new growth bounces back triumphantly, as shown in an earlier post. As a another verse to the sad song, last winter the 0 degree temperatures (a unique situation in these parts of Virginia!), the figs went down again. I had not protected them and sure enough, they froze hard and died. So, we cut them down to the ground again.

BUT, they have come back with a vengeance!  Lush and green and beautiful! I certainly intend to burlap them this year!  They look like last year so much, I'm using the same picture!  The rabbits are still happily chewy up other stuff in the garden, so they are still healthy and prospering, but the rabbit fencing works. Can't complain about that.