Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Making Notes

Research revolves around questions and the answers that spring from them. The process of taking notes is actually Making notes...reading information, and summarizing it in original words. Index cards are used for notes, and now spreadsheets. Sources are given a code and that code is used for each note made from that source. This is done for two reasons: to keep order and to avoid plagiarism. A note is anything that answers the question.

Sources and notes can be coded on  a spreadsheet, which makes it easy to cut and paste notes into a paper later on IF THE NOTES WERE PARAPHRASED AND IN-TEXT CITED as the notes were made. Notice how my source was coded with a capital A, and all my example notes are linked to their sources with the same code: A-1 (for the first note), A-2 (for the second note), and so on.

Citation machine expedites the process of preparing the citation and in-text citation. Make sure to use APA format!


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