Thursday, October 10, 2013

1st day of research - History of Figs

Today the research for my essential question starts in earnest: How can figs be produced and promoted for  local farm market sales?

First, the basic question is How long have figs been in existence?  Science Magazine, June 2006, has an article providing proof that figs (although thought to be 6,500 years in existence) may have been around for 11,000+ years -- that's about 1,000 "before cereals", which I take to mean grains. The evidence is found in the Lower Jordan Valley.  This inspires the next question which is Where is the LJV and what is its significance to figs?

The Lower Jordan Valley is the stretch of land between the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea called the Rift Valley....about 25 miles. This leads me to ask, "Are figs considered a biblical fruit?"

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