Friday, September 27, 2013

Research Partners project description

With the advent of Research Partners*, a whole new area of source possibilities are open! As a trial, it is unknown how well the website will work but just the chance someone may know information needed for this fig project is worth the effort to explain what I need. This is what I will say:

Collaboration makes ideas better!
"The figgy project surrounds the essential question of How can figs be produced and promoted for local farm market sales? This question leans toward two areas: producing enough figs to sell at a market and promoting enough interest that there will be sales once figs have been grown and are ready to sell. Finding someone knowledgeable about growing fig trees would be helpful, and then finding information about farm markets business practices."

Hopefully, someone will offer some advice.

*a PRISMS resource site where our Gifted Academic Program community circle can offer suggestions and ideas about projects

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