Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Getting Ready

This blitz box looks easy to make.
It's from cakechooser.com.
It's getting colder and time to think about next spring and summer!  I am thinking about my figgy future! My to-do list includes business cards, some figgy greeting cards, fig buttons, a new tent, and boxes to put the figs into...I'm going to make origami boxes out of fig wrapping paper!  It's a little pricey, so I may consider making my own. But with something special, I can make boxes to hold the figs or fig cookies.

Fig wrapping paper!
An idea would be to use the type for the business card on the paper for the box. OR, make a stamp out of an eraser and stamp the side of the box with a figgy image of some kind, or perhaps a fig quote? I'll have to investigate. Most of the fig quotes I know are kind of negative like "I don't give a fig."  There is the admonishment, "Get figgy with it!"  this needs further thought. Each additional step to the box makes it a more expensive piece of the product. The origami aspect is done to make it cheap and fast to produce as needed.  

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